Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Civic studies: Blog entry #1

What "freedom with responsibility" means to me

Freedom with responsibility to me means that with freedom, comes responsibility. If you have freedom you need to be responsible with it, or that freedom becomes a waste. You have to use your freedom wisely and not just go crazy and abuse that freedom. If you don't use it right it might get taken away. Freedom is such valued thing in America, it's strange that some people take it for granted and have no responsibility with their freedom. What it means to be responsible with your freedom, is that for example, in school, teachers won't force you to go back to class if they just see you skipping. You have freedom to do what you want, you just have to be responsible enough for yourself and your well being, to make the right choices.

"This means that freedom is something that is given through trust, but if not used responsibly the freedom will be revoked." -Emily Litton
I agree with this quote, especially in school. We, as students are given freedom and they trust us enough to use it responsibly. In middle school, teachers would give us a little freedom but if you didn't use it wisely then they took that freedom away.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves"- Abraham Lincoln
This quote shows how much America values freedom. We were built on the foundation of freedom, it is so important to us that Lincoln believes that without our freedom we will destroy ourselves. I agree that we could potentially be our own destruction if we let our freedoms be taken away from us.